It Started With Tilda

Have you ever seen a beautiful product and decide you must have it, only to discover it's difficult to find without shipping from overseas? That is exactly how my shop came to be, on my quest to find beautiful European and British fabrics, needlework and craft accessories.

My journey began with Tilda fabric. While this brand has long been popular in the UK and Australia, at the time, Tilda fabric was much harder to find in North America and I set out to provide an online source for this gorgeous Norwegian brand. As my online shop and creative endeavors progressed, I have added other beautiful European and British products to the inventory. I am honoured to partner with British designer Nicola Dodd to bring you an annual Block of the Month program, and have collaborated with Nicki Franklin to bring you another very special block of the month program for 2023 (details coming soon). I also have expanded to offering beautiful home decor products and other special handmade goods that fit with our shops look and feel, as curated by yours truly. I am always looking for that special and unique item to provide for our customers.

My Story

Once upon a time, you could find me vaccinating puppies, spaying cats, and doing all things veterinary. In fact, during my clinic ownership days, the ladies I worked with thought it was funny that I would be binding quilts in my office between appointments or during a rare break. I would attend quilting classes in the evening, but rarely made it through a class without the pager going off and having to leave to attend to a veterinary emergency.

Several years ago, I sold my veterinary practice, to be home with my three girls and I filled nap times and preschool days with sewing, crafting and creating. It wasn't long before my fabric stash grew, my tastes refined, and I fell in love with all things Tilda. Now there are so many other fabric and pattern designers and quilt styles I admire and love.

My girls are growing, my veterinary career is on hold, but this newest venture of bringing beautiful and unique fabrics and products to the studio, has filled my days...between snack fetching and play time, that is.
