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Acufactum Book: Homemade in the Summer Time

*PLEASE NOTE: THIS BOOK IS IN GERMAN (NO ENGLISH), BUT THE CHARTS AND PATTERNS ARE STRAIGHTFORWARD TO FOLLOW, AND GOOGLE TRANSLATE CAN HELP WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS. We also have a free tutorial on our website (you can find it under the Online Classes tab) to help you.

The second volume by author Silke Schneider-Windt follows on seamlessly from its successful predecessor and inspires our creativity once again. This book also contains a multitude of handmade ideas that bring us closer to summertime in a natural way. Sewing projects, cross-stitch motifs, floral designs, handicrafts and recipes are embedded and photographed in the original country life on the farm. The creative projects were designed by Silke Schneider-Windt and staged on her farm, resulting in a wonderful inspiration of handicrafts and country love. The loving drawings by illustrator Sophia Drescher are reflected in the embroidery, fabrics and book design. Hard cover, 144 pages with a pattern sheet.
