Embroidery: Nicki Franklin of The Stitchery

We are thrilled to be working alongside Nicki Franklin of The Stitchery to offer you online Embroidery classes. These classes are taught by Nicki, the creator of The Stitchery and a dear friend. She has a full library of classes for you to choose from, from beginner classes to those supporting specific kits. There is something for every embroidery enthusiast.

We love how Nicki describes her classes: "I love a workshop and started teaching basic embroidery because I felt there was a bit of a gap in the market. There were several very talented artists holding sewing workshops but the delegate really needed a bit of experience with a needle and thread in the first place. I remember going to a (very lovely) workshop where the teacher laid out an impressive array of threads, passed around the linen and told everyone to ‘stitch some flowers’. Fine if you’ve fashioned one or two French knot hyacinths before but pretty intimidating if your needlework experience doesn’t stretch past sewing a button on.

Once you have mastered a few basic stitches you can be well on your way to creating beautiful pieces of textile art. I’m not talking The Royal School of Needlework where perfection, consistency and attention to detail are key. But you can create very pretty simple floral motifs, stitching them onto bags, lavender sachets and other little gifts to show someone you truly care.

Needlework isn’t a talent you are born with but a skill you can learn, made all the more easy with the right tools, good lighting and a little bit of quiet time to concentrate.

There is something so restful and so comforting about curling up on a Saturday afternoon with your needle and thread, the radio chattering to itself and a mug of tea steaming beside you. We all need a bit of quiet time to ourselves, a bit of peaceful reflection, and the rhythmic motion of drawing thread through fabric is somehow meditative with the benefit of having achieved something beautiful at the end of it.

You can now watch any Nicki Franklin Stitchery class

for a special discount of 10% off the list price, using code WILLOW.

Click on the button below to find all of Nicki's classes.
